Who Is Behind This?
My name is Jay and, comparatively speaking, I’m an old guy. (Okay, not even comparatively speaking.) My first performance was for my 4th-grade class and my first paid performance was back in the mid-1970s as a teenager.
From about 8th grade until my early 20s all I did was eat, sleep, and breath magic, clowning, ventriloquism, juggling, balloon twisting, puppetry etc. All those normal things.
Because I didn’t know anything about “business” and lived in Alaska where it was almost impossible to find out about that stuff, I burned out. I got a job in radio and worked there for six years until I cut my hair in a mohawk and they told me I could keep my job or the hair, but not both. So I kept the hair and jumped into computer programming.
Thirty-some years later I woke up and discovered that I took a wrong turn and should have never left performing. (I should have just left Alaska, instead!)
So here I am now, still a programmer by day, but in my spare time I’m back to eating, sleeping, and breathing the mystery arts, and having a blast making my own effects. Mostly mentalism stuff, but also some magic (usually with at least a hint of mentalism).
And while I don’t have that same mohawk, I’ve been rocking the one I have now for more than three years…
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